For those of you who follow my blog...Once again I am sorry I haven't written in a while...One day I will blog without saying..."Sorry I haven't written in a while" :0) Anyway...
This morning I woke up and decided to read Joshua. I don't really know why, just thought it would be a good read for this mornings quiet time.
While I was reading I realized that I had never read this book of the bible for my quiet time. (I read it once in college, fast and furiously, for homework and a test) As I was reading I also noticed that I haven't read my bible in about a month (I guess since around the last time I blogged) I don't ever mean for time to pass that quickly. I never intend to neglect my spiritual life, but...well...i have no excuses...I have just been caught up in my own selfish life that I have failed to spend time with my Father...the GIVER OF ALL LIFE! Yuck...what a slap in the face! He doesn't force you to sit with him, he just enjoys your company and teaches you something new everyday! He LOVES you even when you don't sit with Him because you THINK your own management skills are better than His plans for you. (I keep writing you...but I am really typing to myself)
This morning as I sat in God's Word listening to what He tells Joshua, this spoke to my heart: "Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful." (Joshua 1:8)
Basically...The Lord just said, "I know you have had trouble putting me in your schedule, but if you just spend more time with me I will take care of you! I will bring peace to your chaos! I want the best for you...I want you to be successful and prosperous...Let me teach you what you need to do, and follow my instruction!"
WOW...what an amazing Father! As I teach Cade more and more everyday I realize how important it is to listen to parental advice and instruction. And to hear my heavenly Father tell me..." AND that you may be careful to do what is written in my word!"...What a blessing!! I say YES SIR!!
This calls for immediate action! Don't fret about not doing it in the past, but keep moving forward. Praise God for his grace and mercy; His love for us and for teaching us every minute with spend with Him!!