Monday, March 30, 2009

Page Overload...TOO MANY TWEETS!

I had an absolutely amazing weekend...I went to a Real Estate Investors Conference in Lubbock this past weekend and learned SOOO much! It was incredible and according to my friends it was nothing like the BIG ones. I am so excited about what the opportunities we have right in front of us...I cannot wait until we are able to do what we want when we want because we have taken advantage of this opportunity. Especially because I want to be a stay at home mom for the rest of my life...I am doing it now and I love it!
The only downside to today is that I have been feeling really under-the-weather. I think I was going so fast this weekend and downloading so much information into my brain that I went into overload and my body is trying to shut down. Twitter says..."Page overload...TOO MANY TWEETS!" That's about what I feel like right now ;0) But nothing is stopping me from pressing forward and conquering fear with action!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It has been about 14 days since my last post and for those of you who try to stay faithful in reading my blog I am sorry I have been slacking. I was super busy with my broken puppy and then my mom came into town for a week!! Which was super awesome because I haven't seen her in FOREVER! Well really it has only been since christmas, but that is way to long when you have a baby who is getting bigger by the second and you are doing different things since the last time you visited together.

Kinzie (the pup) is doing great...she had a doctors appointment yesterday and he was very impressed with her improvement. She is getting around on her "crutches" very well and is more and more mobile everyday. She is the most amazing puppy ever!!

Brant and I are excited about going home for Easter!! We can't wait!! I am most excited because it will be Cade's first Easter!! But anyway I have to get going, baby Cade just exploded! I hope you have a great day!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Yesterday I was getting lunch here at the Mission when one of my friends said "Mrs. Megan, Kinzie is on the other side of the road." So I went outside and waited for the traffic to stop and said, "KEEENZEEE!!" Her ears perked up and she darted out into the street only to be hit by a car neither of us saw coming. I turned around quietly, walked into the mess hall and someone asked me "Mrs. Megan, what's wrong?!!" I said "I think Kinzie was just hit by a car" Then I freaked out and started balling! My friends immediately ran out to her side and started fervently praying for particular her healing because they were POSITIVE the Lord was not going to take her from us.(They were praying in the middle of the road not ever thinking they could be hurt then after a few minutes there was this random guy who was like "Um you guys should get out of the middle of the road! It is funny to think of that now...but it could have been bad) She has been the "best friend" to a lot of the children here including baby Cade. She is truly a keeper!
Cade and I went to see her and she is doing great! She was just waking up from being sedated so that they could x-ray her and reset her two broken front legs. She was not totally out of it, she started wagging her tail when she could sense it was me and then baby Cade started dancing when he saw her! It was the cutest thing I have ever seen!! He has missed her. But the doc said that her back leg is a little out of socket, but no so much to even make a difference, mainly it will just be tender for her to walk on. But since she won't be able to walk for a good 6-8 weeks it should heal just fine in that time. We would greatly appreciate your prayers for her rapid healing and for a full recovery without needing any pins or plates put in...we don't want to put plates or pins for fear of arthritis or other pain during the cold winters. (Plus it would cost a fortune) I am looking forward to tomorrow when our pup gets to come home!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I love scrapbooking! I am still learning the ways of professional scrapbooking, but I absolutely love making beautiful pages of fun memories. This weekend I got a few of the girls together from here and we sat in the sheep's gate (the dining room area) and we had a create a card night...which is much like scrapbooking only not with pictures. I had a lot of fun! They were all creating cute cards and I would help them think of fun ideas for making cards a little more masculine (as apposed to cute ideas) All I can say is it was tons of fun and great bonding time with those ladies.
But while I was sitting there I was thinking about how God works. I think He is helping these ladies make a scrapbook of their own. I think God views our lives like a scrapbook. He will take some of the rough times in our lives and even though they might be trash to some one else He puts it on the page in order to make the page look better. He will accent the beautiful picture with some little things (aka some of your not so awesome, but in the works, talents) He will also take the better times of your life to remember and wash away all the piddly times we messed up or disobeyed or fell flat on our faces. How many times have you put the hard times in a scrapbook to remember the entire incident? Not very many, mostly because those times were hard and you don't want to remember them. That is the way I think God works too...He remembers the good times and lets go of the wrongs we have committed against Him and makes a wonderful masterpiece. Praise Him for His graciousness and His creativity!! Thank you God for you are always at work in my life...creating a new page everyday!!