Thursday, March 17, 2011

Paige + Bryce: March 13, 2011 is what I have learned...Shooting a wedding at 7 months pregnant is only for the brave and strong...luckily I had Chelsea with me and she bought me some gel inserts for my high heels which then turned me into one that could be called "brave and strong!" I was seriously turning into a weenie! My feet were starting to hurt before the wedding even started and I was like "uh-oh!" Then when Chels got back after a short break she had the goods! (gel inserts) It made me want to cry to know that she remembered I wanted to get some (but of course I forgot). When I put them in my shoes they were like a WHOLE NEW PAIR of shoes! Which in turn gave me about 6 more hours of gumption! (not literally but thats what it felt like) :0) I took an extra pair of shoes (some flats) for the reception, but I really didn't want to put them on for the wedding...I just felt like I needed to be in nicer shoes than my (only kinda cute) flats. It would have been a lot different if they were cuter.

Anyway, the wedding was absolutely awesome! It was truly the most beautiful wedding I have ever shot and one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever seen! I was in hog heaven! Paige was the most precious, little petite girl! She is super stinkin' gorgeous too! And Bryce...he is so sweet! He was very caring and easy to work with. He knew how to strike a GQ pose and when needed he could hit an awesome smile that just radiates his friendly personality!  So together they are a precious couple!

Here are a few images from their GORGEOUS WEDDING!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Friend Be-jer...

Byron Rogers was my first friend at ACU...we met during ACU's Passport Week in June 2007...which is kinda like a freshman orientation. It was awesome!! When we met I am sure he thought I was nuts...All I kept saying is that he needed to meet my boyfriend...hahaha! I kept saying that because he was so much fun and I just knew that one day he and Brant would be very good friends...and I WAS RIGHT!

 As Brant, Jacob and I were moving into our dorm rooms I kept telling Brant, "You have to find Byron Rogers!" I am sure he didn't understand why. But, leave it to the Lord, He put Brant and Byron on the same hall! Go figure! God is soo cool that way! So as time went by, Brant and Byron and all of the guys on Mabee First North became the greatest of friends! I love a lot of these guys like they are my own brothers! Especially Bjer!

Brant and I have seen him through thick and thin (Brant more than me due to guy stuff, but I have still been there and I still love him the same!) :0) We pray for him constantly as he is growing in Christ and running after his passions with all of his might! I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for him (b-jer) and where he will continue to take our friendship as we desire to serve the Lord through our lives. 

With all of that being said here are a few pics of B-jer in action. He is a soccer coach for Abilene High and his guys were playing here in Midland yesterday....and....THEY WON!!! 1-0! Way to go guys! I am pretty positive its because you have one super awesome coach! :0)