Saturday, January 29, 2011

Daddy and Cade duet

This morning I woke up to Brant and Cade singing praise was so precious!! I HAD to get it on video...they decided they would do one of their favorites for me...ENJOY!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Here is the new Senior 2011 flier! I can't wait till it comes in!!! I am only taking a total of 8 seniors this year so make sure to book your slot! I hope you have a great day!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

WOW...The last one was in SEPT...SORRY!! ALOT has happened since September. At the beginning of October Brant and I found out that Cade is going to be a big brother in June! Meaning all of October and November I was VERY laid out on the couch (so I could be partially propped up), couldn't move and couldn't watch others move, SICK. It was NO BUENO! 

I started feeling a little better Thanksgiving day and was blessed to be able to go Black Friday shopping!! Which was a TON of fun...well only sorta fun. Can you believe that I would rather go Black Friday shopping in Houston than in Midland? It's true! Think about it with me...In Houston there are multiple Kohl's, JCPenny's, Academy, and Best Buy so much. There is only one Kohl's, Best Buy we have two Academy's, and I know we don't even have a Macy's (BIG BUMMER) We have a JCP but I haven't gone. All that to say...Debbie and I stood in line at Kohl's (my fave Black Friday store) for 2.5 hours! We were done getting everything on our list within the first 30-45 mins and the rest of our 3 hrs. there we were standing in line :0/ It was nuts! After that the day was easier and our wait was not nearly as long anywhere else. 

Anyway, in December we spent most of our holiday in Houston. We had a blast getting to stay with my mom at her newly renovated house! We also had a chance to go visit Granddad in Idabel. That was a much needed trip! We haven't seen granddad in a few months and he hasn't been doing very well...if you think of this blog later on in your day I would greatly appreciate it if you would say a little prayer for Brant's Granddad. He has a large tumor deep in his sinus cavity and the doc's can't operate on it because it is too risky. We also don't know if it will respond to chemo or not. The positive side of things is that Michael and Debbie live in Houston and are able to let him live with them while he undergoes more testing and some chemo.

So...back to the story...right as we got back from Idabel (to Houston) we ended up super sick with some sort of sinus junk. All three of us (which NEVER happens) were sneezing, coughing, stuck with stuffy noses and runny was pitiful! Which was, to top things off, the same few days we were trying to get back to Odessa, pack our old apartment and move to a new one! It was not the easiest few days we have ever had, but with the help of our amazing friends John and Chelsea, Blake, and the Wooten clan we made it through! John, Chelsea, and Blake all came in from out of town to help us get packed up and then all of them helped us get moved to our new apartment and get situated! WHAT A BLESSING!

Since then I have been hitting it hard trying to get senior fliers ready to pass out, a new website up and running and keep my house clean, keep up with new and old friends, keep up with Cade, keep up with Brant, take it easy for baby number 2 and try to stay's not working very well :0) Supposedly when you are pregnant you have an enhanced amount of absentmindedness....didn't I have that before? I can't remember...if I did then it has only gotten worse! :0

So now...we found out that baby #2 is sweetly nicknamed "Sister" for now...we don't quite know what we are going to name her. I really like Lily, but I am not sure Brant is sold on it. He said its growing on him, but I haven't been using it much so that he doesn't feel pressured into liking it. I don't know a good middle name yet, so that's why I haven't pushed to have the name Lily. If you think of something I would love some feedback! Well...this is a super long blog, mainly because I had to give such a HUGE update on sooo much time. I will make sure to take more time to update this thing! I love you guys and hope you have an amazing day!!!