Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Baked Garlic Parmesan Chicken... I totally got a wild hair tonight and decided to try something different for dinner...I normally don't like regular spaghetti sauce, but tonight I decided to do a baked parmesan chicken recipe...IT WAS AWESOME!!! I followed the recipe up until it told me I needed bread crumbs (which I thought I had until I opened my pantry, but at that point I was already committed to making this recipe for dinner and I couldn't just I decided to crumble up some Ritz crackers and season it with Italian seasoning and Garlic Salt...I then added the Grated Parmesan Cheese to the breading. Everything else I did as the recipe calls! IT WAS A WINNER!!! It made the house smell amazing and when Brant walked in he was on the phone with his dad and his dad had just finished saying "If you were here we could go out to dinner!" To which Brant replied..."That would be great any other night, but Megan is making something awesome tonight!" I was so excited that it turned out so good! It wasn't even dry..the chicken was so tender and juicy!! I am totally making this again!!! Check it out! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!!

Baked Garlic Parmesan Chicken

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ashley's Sneak Peek

Ashley has been married for a few months now, but we decided to play with some bridals!! She is SO much fun! She totally knows how to "Work it!" She brought her cousin Ainslee and they had a blast together! I also brought a few friends...Chelsea Giles and Alison Holcomb came with me just to play around!! WE TOTALLY HAVE TO DO THAT AGAIN!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Say a little prayer for you!

Last night was absolutely one of my favorite nights ever! Cade and I were watching Up...just winding down. I always set a timer to let him know things are about to change...I will tell him..."Cade when the timer goes off we are going to take a bath." So we set the timer and he knew that we were getting ready for bed. When the timer went off we gave him a bath. Our normal routine is to take a bath, recite a few bible verses, pray, give hugs and kisses and then go to bed. every night we got out of the bath, recited our verses and then started praying...I thought I had prayed for everyone and everything...but...No...I had forgotten "ba-rump-ba-rump" (froggies) So I prayed that the frogs would have a good nights rest and have a fun day hopping around today. Then I forgot the "oohh-oohh-ah-ah" (Curious George). So I asked Cade to pray, he said "No, Mommy pray." I said, "Mommy just prayed for the froggies can you pray for the monkies?" So he said, "Jesus -- ba-rump-ba-rump -- oohh-oohh-ah-ah --Raylee -- Amen."  Such a sweet, simple prayer, but it was a prayer none the less! I was so proud of Cade!!

If there is something on your mind, on your heart, or just bugging you pray about it! Even if you don't know how to pray God knows your heart and He can help you put your thoughts into words! Even if all you can do is say, "frogs, monkeys, and Raylee. Amen!" A simple little prayer is all you need...sometimes that's where you need to start...just Say a little prayer for you! Help God to help you! Call out to Him when you need him to take care of things you can't! I hope you have a great day and just remember "say a little prayer" when you need to!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cade's First day of Preschool...

This is a convo between me and my youngest fully explains Cade's first day of preschool...

Cade started his first day of preschool yesterday!
he had his lunch box in hand and back pack packed!
how did he do?
not too bad! He LOVED it I said "Cade what did you learn?" He said "Geen one"
But there was a bully! First day of school and there was a bully :0/
bully? already?
YES...I gave him some little scooby doo fruit snacks and the teacher opened them for Cade and put them in front of him and the kid next to him grabbed them (all but 2) and stuffed them in his mouth...
the teacher made him spit them in the trash and Cade got to eat his last two...he was shocked and sad
wow. thats some intense bullying. what kind of a jerk steals fruit snacks???
the kind who likes scooby doo and fruit...I couldn't believe it! Luckily Cade didn't hit him...I don't think Cade would have gotten in trouble, but that little boy could have gone to the hospital...I am at least grateful for that little boy's safety...
hahaha. youre too funny. well i have class in a few minutes so i gotta get ready for that. bye sister, love you!
love you too! Have a great day!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Christmas Cards...

Today is a beautiful day in Odessa!! It is finally cool enough for me to announce our Christmas Special!! I have a few different holiday card designs you can choose from, all of which are totally customizable for your family. All colors and fonts can be changed to better fit your portrait! This offer will only last until November 14, 2010 so make sure to contact me as soon as possible to book your session!! Megan's email: Phone: (832) 221-5220 Website:

Here are the Christmas Cards you can choose from!! (more to come later!)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A new day!

This past few months have been insane! Not that they have been bad, just crazy! We have been traveling on and off since April. I think I have been home a total of about 4 weeks if you put all of the 2-3 days at a time together...INSANE! I think it is almost over...we are going to Abilene Christian University's Summit toward the end of this month and then I think we might settle down until November/December/January...AAGGHH!! I have not gone bald...I still have most of my hair.  :0) 

So with tons of stuff going on I have been trying to keep all my ducks in a row...trying to stay sane and not take let little things overwhelm me and ruin my day.  I think I am going to try something new today....I am going to start out my day by saying, OUT LOUD...."TODAY IS A GREAT DAY!" (no, I didn't shout, just enthusiastic) If you are choosing to do this with me (which I would LOVE the encouragement and support!)...If you are doing this with me you have to say "TODAY IS A GREAT DAY!" with a SMILE on your face!! You have to be happy and excited that you are having a GREAT DAY! NO MATTER WHAT we will choose to have a great day! With the first thing that goes wrong today...say...TODAY IS A GREAT DAY! (with a genuine smile on your face) and jump each hurdle that comes your way as if there is no hurdle at all!!! WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!! TODAY IS A GREAT DAY!! (NO MATTER WHAT COMES OUR WAY!!) I love you and hope you really do have a GREAT DAY!!!
Thumbs up to a Great Day!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

While Brant and I were in college we learned about sex trafficking and modern day slavery...CRAZY STUFF! I don't know if you know anything about it, but the movie "Taken" is based on sex trafficking  and the thought of modern day slavery. It is where women, teenage girls and children are abducted and then sold for personal use and often never see their families again. I am not sure what I can do aside from pray, but the Lord has put this on our hearts as something we want to fight against. We are still praying about how we can help and would appreciate it if you would be prayer warriors with us! But for now...I found this link on (a radio station I LOVE) and wanted to share it with you!

Love146 Overview from LOVE146 on Vimeo.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Real Estate...

So...I am working on getting my real estate license. It's not too bad...I am doing it online and it seems to be going pretty quick. There are quite a few things I already know, just because Brant and I have been investing for so long that we have already had to figure some of this stuff out...but some of it is kind of confusing. It goes against stuff that I have already learned. It's things they are saying that you have to remove from the property and that you are suppose to follow these specific guidelines, but I know ways to write the contract so that you can bypass more hassle than is necessary...Is that bad? I submit that it is NOT! Just a way to help. Anyway, that's what is currently going on...I really hope I can get all of this done is A LOT of information! Here are a few pics of friends that I have meet while learning about Real Estate!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We went to the lake...

Clay and Barbie have been life long friends of my popply pants (Brant's dad) and my momly (Brant's mom). Their kids are the same age as Brant and his brothers. Their entire family, (there are 7 in total...not including Nathan and Raylee...the son in law and a grandbaby) anyway, as I was saying, their entire family is such a blessing! They are so much fun, they are such a God focused family that when you are with them they are a constant encouragement to your spirit! I am telling you...THESE PEOPLE ARE AMAZING!! If you are ever in Midland, TX make sure you meet them! You will be blessed! on to my story...They invited us to go out to Lake Colorado City with them this last Sunday, and IT WAS A BLAST!! We went wake boarding, tubing and splashed around in the lake...Cade was not super thrilled about it...I don't think he was feeling very good, but on top of that he wasn't sure about the life jacket he had to wear while in the boat and riding the tube. YES...Cade went tubing...unfortunately I don't have pictures (Barbie does) but I will get them soon! Until are a few of pictures I have!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Alvin VBS

A few weeks ago Alvin Church of Christ had their VBS...and it was a BLAST!! We had Steve Hemphill guest speak for our adults and we had a Survivor Theme for our kids..."Out serve, Out shine, Out live, Out love" They had super awesome worship led by Chris (the youth minister) and his beautiful wife, Stephanie. All the kids learned so much...I wish I could have gotten pictures from all week...that's ok... here are a few from Monday night!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Biscuits and Gravy...

I love biscuits and gravy! My momly has the BEST biscuits and gravy recipe I have ever had! Personally I would have NEVER mixed all these ingredients together, but it's super good! (I am not a mixer of foods...nothing gets mixed unless its a casserole, biscuits and gravy or chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes and gravy - that's just a must!) is the recipe....

1 LG sauce pan
1lb of Jimmy Dean or Owen sausage (the kind that looks like a little tube)
1 egg per person eating plus one to grow on (4 people = 5 eggs)
1/4 c of flour
salt and peppper to taste
Start off by boiling your eggs (once the water starts boiling turn your timer on for 13 mins then they will be done!) While your eggs are boiling, put your biscuits in to bake and start browning your Jimmy Dean (Owen) sausage. Once you meat is done browning lower the heat to low. Sift in flour. Make sure there are no clumps of flour.Once your grease is completely gone and your sausage is completely coated add milk. I have never measured this...sorry...I fill the pan with milk until the sausage is almost completely covered...add less milk for a thicker gravy. After I pour in the milk I turn my burner on Medium heat and let it begin to bubble. While the gravy is heating I usually drain and peel the boiled eggs. I put them on a plate and after they are peeled I mash them with a fork or potato masher. (do not demolish them, just achieve little bite sized pieces) I stir the mashed eggs in to the gravy and let it to continue to thicken. If the gravy is getting thicker than I want I add a little bit more milk...I add slowly so that I can get the consistency I want. At this point I add salt and pepper. Once everything is mixed and your biscuits are ready then you are ready to SERVE!!!

I hope you try this recipe and LOVE IT! It's a family FAVE!!

Friday, August 13, 2010


I really like Chick-fil-a, but I never think to eat there. Every time we are looking for something fast there is a HUGE line at Chick-fil-a and Sonic, or Whataburger, are usually closer anyway. I wish I thought of Chick-fil-a more often!!

Well, last night I was hanging out with my friend Flower and her little girl and she said that CFA was having some sort of little carnival. We decided to take the kids...well worth was so much fun! It was totally free! They had a little train, and quite a few games where you could win a coupon for free fries, lemonade, or d.p. It was soo cute! Cade tried to play all of the games just because Sarah was playing. They were easy enough to understand the concept and he did. He actually won free fries and a free small Dr. Pepper, a little stuffed cow and a ball! His ball was his favorite and his D.P. was MY favorite :0)  They also gave out free popcorn, cotton candy, and small snow cones. We LOVED the popcorn and we asked them to make a little cotton candy for Cade and HE LOVED IT...he finished it and said "mommy, more!" but instead we just went to get our fries and play bingo. We stayed out late, but it sure was fun!! So my advice to out for Chick-fil-a...they might have free giveaway's in your area!! GOTTA LOVE IT!! (Sorry but I didn't take my pics...SORRY)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


"Is that even possible?" You ask...why yes it is...if you are my little boy! Cade has been going with his aunt "Too-tee" everyday for a few hours a day so that Brant and I could make necessary business calls and stuff of that nature. Anyway, they have been learning lots of new things including swimming everyday before nap about my lil mexican! Wow...he gets dark fast!! I couldn't be more proud :0)  Anyway back to my real story...quadra-lingual...he already knows English, a few words in Spanish and lots of sign language, but NOW....whale! He came home today and "aunt too-tee" said, "Hey momma you can speak whale." Without skipping a beat he looks at me and said, "OOOO - AHHHH" I was so proud! I think a little tear welled up in my eye...But it might have been because I was trying to hold back a ton of extremely loud laughter! He was soo precious and all I could do is say, "WOW lil buddy...that is soo cool!" Then I laughed a little and told "aunt too-tee", "You are suppose to be teaching him colors and numbers...not whale!" We both laughed hysterically as Cade continued to speak whale :0)  Oh how I love my life!! So random! I hope this brings a smile to your face! Have a great day! 

Monday, August 9, 2010

Don't give up!!

So i realized that the blog I posted last night was really at like 12:04am ...stink...I really thought I made it! Darn you slow uploads...or maybe...darn you large files! :0)

Believe it or not...Brant and I are starting a new adventure...We are looking for Mobile Home Parks. We are about ready to hit our final stage of investing!! We have been doing Real Estate Investing for the past year and have been stretched farther than I knew was possible! We have, through the grace of God, started two businesses and have lived on pennies through this whole trek! I don't know how we did it, but we did and IT WAS AWESOME! I am sure if you had asked me during the year if it was awesome I would have just smiled a strained smile and said "it's something..." but now I can truly say...the time is now and it is awesome! I am so excited about what God is setting up! There are so many things that we have learned in this past few months that I can't even understand how we did our businesses without that was truly just the Lord bringing things through for us!

I have learned that while somethings may seem like they are better for you to do, if it is not what the Lord has in store for you to do then it is not the best thing! It may hurt to go through the desert, it may be hot and you might start to feel dehydrated (like you can't keep going) but I KNOW that what the Lord puts in  your life for you to live out is exactly what you need to be doing/ going through! Did you know that Isaiah 40:28-31 says, "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."? It is true!! HE LOVES US soo much that HE GIVES US STRENGTH TO KEEP GOING!!! It may seem like things will never end, they will always be the same...but it is not true! That is satan lying to you to keep you down in the dumps! When you believe in the ways of God, He will give you the strength to overcome ANYTHING!

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you..."

Some of you are probably thinking..."I have been praying and nothing is happening....nothing is changing..." But if you are completely honest with yourself have you been seeking God with "ALL YOUR HEART"? If you are totally and completely honest...have you been thinking on things that are positive? Have you been trying to see God in your everyday life? Have you been giving Him the glory for helping you get to where you need to even though you are 30 mins. late? Through out the day keep your eye out for how and when God is working in your life...Did he stop you at a red light so that you would not be in the three car pile up you just passed? Praise Him for everything you notice and I guarantee things will begin to turn around! You will begin to overcome obstacles that you may not even may also get hit with a little more spiritual attack, but don't worry!! The Lord will continue to be with you and help you overcome!

If you don't get anything else from this blog post just know that I love you and if you need anything I will fight with you on the front lines!! I will be a prayer warrior with you!! The Lord will help you overcome! I LOVE YOU and I hope you have a great day!!

My Friend Chelsea!!

I have a best friend who's name is Chelsea...She is absolutely amazing! She was suppose to come and see me this weekend while our hubbies went skydiving, but those plans were canceled :0(  Anyway, I miss her a ton and so I decided I wanted to share a little bit about her with you...Chelsea is an amazing photographer! If you check out Chelsea Lynn Photography you will see that I don't lie!! She is super funny! She was kinda introverted when I first met her, but an shy girl no more! :0)  I am so proud of her and her talents!! She is also super encouraging! If you are ever down and need someone to listen and then give you incredible advice...just look up Chels! Well...that is not all I have to say about her, but I do have some pics to share with you as here goes....

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Barely Made it... I am just realizing I completely missed Friday's blog...I again am very sorry...I am totally thrown off by being at home that I don't know what to do with myself! I am going to try to start my morning off with quiet time, then breakfast, then blog...Let's see how that works tomorrow! Anyway...I am here to tell you that my sweet hubby was going to jump out of a plane today...but his plans were canceled :0(  He and his two best friends were going to celebrate John's 25th birthday ( was in May) But the poor pilot's grandma passed away. Please pray for the family of the pilot...I know this was hard for Brant and his friends...but nothing is worse than losing a loved one!  I hope you have a great evening and I have some fun pics in store for tomorrow's post...stay tuned!! LOVE YOU! Good night!

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Good grief...I just had a wonderful lunch with two of my favorite ladies in Midland! They are great photogs and amazing friends!! Amanda McNeely and Alison Holcomb are wonderful ladies!! They spur me on and come up with majorly creative ideas. They are constantly thinking of super fun things to do with clients and with our powers combined we are captain planet! Ok...just kidding...but I do feel that crazy cool! we were talking yesterday I realized that it is time for planning Christmas cards and sessions...AAGGHH!! Already? WOW...I didn't even realize! (I guess until yesterday)  Anyway I am getting pumped! I am getting excited! And I am getting ready!! Christmas HERE I COME!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

2011 SENIORS!!!

Calling all 2011 SENIORS!!!

Book NOW through SEPTEMBER 31st** get an extra $100 in print credit!!!
(for a total of $150 in print credit!)

**In order to get this credit you must pay your deposit to secure your date and time of session. Your session date does not have to fall with in the September 31st deadline.**

Monday, July 26, 2010


My, oh my, time flies by!! Tonight was the second night of VBS at Alvin Church of Christ and it was a blast! Cade is going to be 2 on Saturday and he has been invited to join in on all the fun during their "Survivor 2010" VBS. It was soo precious to see him praising God during their "worship" before and after their was super funny to see him clapping and dancing in the pew! He LOVES singing..especially when it was the cute little kid songs! TOO SWEET! They are learning about "Out Love, Out Serve, Out Live and Out Shine" Cade was in the class about the Good Samaritan tonight and learned about how we are called to love and help people even if they are not like us! I am so blessed to know that Cade is already learning so much about the love of God and how to bless others! I am also incredibly blessed to have my madre and my momly helping me teach my lil guy so much!! I will (hopefully) post pictures of the fun tomorrow! I hope you guys have a great evening!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Kentucky Fried Chicken is not better in Kentucky...

Ok...well the subject of this blog has not been tested...I just thought it would be funny and really random! I feel brain fried...I have just stuffed TONS and TONS of information into my brain and I don't even feel able to blog something that means anything. We have been learning about Mobile Home Parks...I am super excited about implimenting everything that we just learned and seeing what happens...excited, but a little nervous...I don't want to screw this up nor do I want to not do anything. I really want to make sure something happens...we will see! Anyway, I have been missing my lil Cade...his birthday is this coming Saturday!! I can't wait...for those of you who don't know it will be a Finding Nemo Pool Party...2 pm on Saturday at Granny's house! If you don't know where that is just call or text me...we would love for you to join us! I hope you guys have a great sunday!! I LOVE YOU!! (JOIN US AT CADE'S PARTY IF YOU CAN!!!)

Saturday, July 24, 2010


I am soo sorry to have missed blogging this past three days! I have not been trying to slack! I promise! I have been traveling...AGAIN! :0/  I know I have a home...My husband and I just can't seem to find it (lol) Anyway, Brant and I woke up at 5:20 on Wednesday morning so that we could drive all day to try and make it to Houston...well we made it! Only to turn around and wake up at 3:30 Thursday morning to fly out of IAH to try and make it to Phili for a 2 hour lay over to get to Louisville, KY for a Real Estate Conference. I don't normally sleep on planes, but during our first flight I was conked! It was nice! Anyway, when we finally got to Louisville we checked into the hotel and then we went to the Louisville Slugger Muesum! It was a blast! We got a free souviner bat!  Then we went to the Hard Rock Cafe on 4th Street! It was so much fun! I will post pictures as soon as I get back to a computer that I can download pictures too :0) Well, I better get going...the conference is about to start! TTYL!! I will tell you more about the conference tomorrow!! LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lil Raylee...

Today I am going to share a few pictures of Raylee with you! She is a precious lil friend of Cade. She turned one in May. Her mom has been a friend of the family since before she was born! Her dad was in youth group with my father-in-law. They are such an amazing family! Raylee is actually the niece of the bride I posted the other day...Summer Wooten Booser. Anyway here are a few pics of Raylee Joy!!!