Saturday, August 7, 2010

Barely Made it... I am just realizing I completely missed Friday's blog...I again am very sorry...I am totally thrown off by being at home that I don't know what to do with myself! I am going to try to start my morning off with quiet time, then breakfast, then blog...Let's see how that works tomorrow! Anyway...I am here to tell you that my sweet hubby was going to jump out of a plane today...but his plans were canceled :0(  He and his two best friends were going to celebrate John's 25th birthday ( was in May) But the poor pilot's grandma passed away. Please pray for the family of the pilot...I know this was hard for Brant and his friends...but nothing is worse than losing a loved one!  I hope you have a great evening and I have some fun pics in store for tomorrow's post...stay tuned!! LOVE YOU! Good night!

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